The project "24 Parfums, the doc. Is an important phase of the "24 fragrances" project as a whole.
As a reminder, the "24 Fragrances" project, conceived and directed artistically by Tunisian jazz pianist and composer Mohamed-Ali Kammoun, aims to contribute to efforts to promote the musical heritage. As part of this project, field work in several regions of Tunisia, combining collection, creative workshops and musical experimentation was carried out. This fieldwork was punctuated by about twenty "workshops-concerts" in different regions, allowing young musicians to rub shoulders with dozens of heritage holders.
The collected heritage, reinterpreted through the vision of the composer-arranger Mohamed Ali Kammoun, embellished by new compositions of heritage inspiration bearing the signature of the same composer, has served as content for several concerts in various major cultural events, including , the closing of the International Festival of Carthage 2018.
The project "24 Parfums, the doc. »Aims to immortalize the whole experience lived first by musicians, young and old, including heritage holders, but also all stakeholders (artistic director, organizers, technicians, media, public , etc.). The documentation is produced as part of this project, based essentially on a double audio album and a 52-minute documentary film, will reflect the whole approach of valorization and revitalization of the musical heritage adopted in the "24 fragrances". .
"24 Perfumes, the doc. ", Supported by the Association of the Rachidia Institute in partnership with Altissimo Consulting in agreement with Mohamed Ali Kammoun, has been selected and accepted by Tfanen - Creative Tunisia as part of the" Sustainability of Festivals and Heritage Valuation "fund. funded by the European Union under the Program of Support to the Culture Sector in Tunisia (PACT) of the Ministry of Culture, implemented by the British Council on behalf of and with the collaboration of the EUNIC network (Cultural Institutes Nationals of the European Union).